Dear siblings in Christ,
The 226th General Assembly (2024) asked the Association of Mid Council Leaders (AMCL) and the Board of Pensions to explore together how we might lighten the burden of medical dues for our small congregations and pastors with family coverage (GAEC-28). This collaboration moved forward Jan. 22, 2025, when we met for the first time — five mid council leaders, six Board of Pensions leaders, and seven members of the agency’s Board of Directors.
As a connectional Church, we face denominational challenges as partners in Christ. Additionally, there are challenges in the medical benefits industry that impact costs and the Benefits Plan. The Board of Pensions and the AMCL are committed to our partnership in responding to General Assembly’s call. We look forward to meeting again in April, when we will examine both stories of individuals and gathered data that shows how churches and congregational leaders made decisions for 2025. We ask for your prayers as we continue to meet throughout the year.
The Reverend Susan C. McGhee
Executive Presbyter, Presbytery of Ohio Valley
President, Association of Mid Council Leaders
Andrew J. Browne
Executive Vice President, Engagement and Church Relations
The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Mid council representatives
The Reverend Dr. SanDawna Gaulman Ashley, Transitional Leader, Synod of the Northeast; past President, AMCL
The Reverend Dr. Craig Howard, Executive Presbyter, Chicago
The Reverend Dr. Brad Munroe, Presbytery Pastor, Grand Canyon and de Cristo.
The Reverend Susan C. McGhee, Executive Presbyter, Ohio Valley; President, AMCL
Ruling Elder Maureen Wright, Transitional General Presbyter and Stated Clerk, West Virginia
Board of Pensions management representatives
Andrew J. Browne, Executive Vice President, Engagement and Church Relations
Monica Buonincontri, Vice President, Marketing & Communications
Patricia M. Haines, Executive Vice President, Chief Benefits Officer
Todd Ingves, Vice President, Health & Well-Being
Kelly Riley, Executive Vice President, Plan Operations
Vivian D. Wesson, Executive Vice President, General Counsel, and Corporate Secretary
Board of Pensions Board of Directors representatives: The Reverend Jeremy T. Campbell; Fred Gamble; Krysten Carter Holloway; the Reverend Joey Lee; the Reverend Sarah Moore-Nokes; S. Bradley Perkins, Esq.; the Reverend Fernando Rodríguez