Faithful Decision-Making e-learning series for benefits decisions
The Faithful Decision-Making e-learning series is designed to equip pastoral leaders and employers — especially congregations — to make faithful decisions about benefits as one aspect of compensation, centered in A Theology of Benefits. The five-part series reviews essential benefits terms and concepts, identifies how to respond to change and transition, explores key considerations for medical coverage options, and features scenarios for dues calculations for the updated dues structures.
Lesson links
Each lesson is estimated to take 15-20 minutes for completion. The lessons have been intentionally ordered, with each building on others’ content and reinforcing key terms and concepts. They can be completed in any order, although completing them in the sequence below will provide the best learning experience.
More e-learning opportunities coming soon.
Learning about Healthcare Coverage Options for You and Your Family
Captioned in English, Korean, and Spanish
View a recording of this Aug. 8 webinar to learn about healthcare options other than those offered by the Board:
- healthcare costs and insurance trends
- healthcare coverage options and eligibility criteria for options other than those offered by the Board of Pensions
- how to be a good steward of your family’s health and financial resources.